Daily Reading for Wednesday, November 24th, 2021

Reading 1, Wisdom 3:1-9

1 But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them.

2 To the unenlightened, they appeared to die, their departure was regarded as disaster,

3 their leaving us like annihilation; but they are at peace.

4 If, as it seemed to us, they suffered punishment, their hope was rich with immortality;

5 slight was their correction, great will their blessings be. God was putting them to the test and has proved them worthy to be with him;

6 he has tested them like gold in a furnace, and accepted them as a perfect burnt offering.

7 At their time of visitation, they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they.

8 They will judge nations, rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king for ever.

9 Those who trust in him will understand the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love; for grace and mercy await his holy ones, and he intervenes on behalf of his chosen.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 125:1-5

1 [Song of Ascents] Whoever trusts in Yahweh is like Mount Zion: unshakeable, it stands for ever.

2 Jerusalem! The mountains encircle her: so Yahweh encircles his people, henceforth and for ever.

3 The sceptre of the wicked will not come to rest over the heritage of the upright; or the upright might set their own hands to evil.

4 Do good, Yahweh, to those who are good, to the sincere at heart.

5 But the crooked, the twisted, turn them away, Yahweh, with evil-doers. Peace to Israel!

Gospel, Matthew 10:17-22

17 ‘Be prepared for people to hand you over to sanhedrins and scourge you in their synagogues.

18 You will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, as evidence to them and to the gentiles.

19 But when you are handed over, do not worry about how to speak or what to say; what you are to say will be given to you when the time comes,

20 because it is not you who will be speaking; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you.

21 ‘Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will come forward against their parents and have them put to death.

22 You will be universally hated on account of my name; but anyone who stands firm to the end will be saved
